Kay's Naturals Protein Cereal Honey Almond Gluten-Free 케이스 네츄럴스 허니 아몬드 프로틴 시리얼 1.2oz(34g) 6팩, 1개

Kay's Naturals Protein Cereal Honey Almond Gluten-Free 케이스 네츄럴스 허니 아몬드 프로틴 시리얼 1.2oz(34g) 6팩, 1개 - WRAPUP

  • 2024-06-27 01:35:13
  • 리뷰(0)
#프로틴시리얼 #Kays #Naturals #Protein #Cereal #Honey #Almond #GlutenFree #케이스 #네츄럴스 #아몬드 #프로틴 #시리얼

Kay's Naturals Protein Cereal Honey Almond is a delicious and healthy gluten-free cereal that is perfect for a quick and nutritious breakfast or snack. Each 1.2oz (34g) serving contains 12g of protein, making it a great option for those looking to increase their protein intake.

This 6-pack of Kay's Naturals Protein Cereal Honey Almond is convenient for on-the-go snacking or stocking up your pantry. The cereal is made with all-natural ingredients, including honey and almonds, and is free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

Enjoy the sweet and nutty flavor of honey and almonds while getting a protein boost with Kay's Naturals Protein Cereal Honey Almond. Add milk or yogurt for a satisfying and nourishing breakfast or snack option.

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