Exchange Rate and Inflation: A Test of the Law of One Price in Nigeria, Paperback

Exchange Rate and Inflation: A Test of the Law of One Price in Nigeria, Paperback - WRAPUP

  • 2024-09-07 02:17:06
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#Price&Inflation #Exchange #Rate #and #Inflation #Test #the #Law #One #Price #Nigeria #Paperback

This book examines the relationship between exchange rate and inflation in Nigeria, specifically testing the Law of One Price. The Law of One Price states that identical goods should have the same price in different markets when prices are expressed in the same currency.

The author uses statistical analysis and econometric models to study the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on inflation in Nigeria. The book explores various factors that may influence the relationship between exchange rate and inflation, such as exchange rate regimes, monetary policy, and market structure.

Overall, this book provides valuable insights into the dynamics of exchange rate and inflation in Nigeria, and contributes to the ongoing debate on the effectiveness of the Law of One Price in explaining price movements in different markets. This book is a must-read for researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of exchange rate and inflation dynamics.

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